WATER is precious...don't let it flow and get wasted like this...always keep your buckets full. This will help when the corporation supplies of water gets disturbed.


Written By Founder / Moderator Yo Eco Group
Ayan Mukherjee
writeus at :

When I sat to write on tips to save WATER—which is the most important component of LIFE, I felt that it is necessary to share some shocking facts and statistics about WATER , which will make you realised where we are heading towards.

1. Over 1.5 billion people do not have access to clean, safe water.

2. 43% of water related deaths are due to diarrhea.

3. 98% of water related deaths occur in the developing world.

4. In Sub-Saharan Africa women spend on average 16 hours a week collecting water.

5. The recommended daily water requirement for sanitation, bathing, cooking and
consumption is approximately 50 litres per person per day.

6. Over 1 billion people use less than 6 litres of water per day.

7. Lack of access to clean water and sanitation has claimed more lives through disease than any war through guns.

8. The average toilet uses 8 litres of clean water in a single flush.

9. Half the world’s schools do not have access to clean water, nor adequate sanitation.

10. A five minute shower in an American household will use more water than a person living in a developing world slum will use in a whole day.

11. Water consumption in a US household is eight times that of an Indian household.

12. As little as one dollar can provide clean water for a child in the developing world for an entire year.

Going through these facts, one can realise the drastic condition of water resources in present world.


The answer is CONSERVATION.

We start our day in the bathroom and even end our day going to the bathroom to have a shower before sleep. So let’s start our mission from Bathroom itself.


1> Check if any tap is leaking. Its one of the most important causes of water loss in any general household.
Water Loss with a Faucet Leak
30 drops/minute = 84 gallons/month = 1,008 gallons/year
60 drops/minute = 168 gallons/month = 2,016 gallons/year
90 drops/minute = 253 gallons/month = 3,036 gallons/year
120 drops/minute = 337 gallons/month = 4,044 gallons/year

2> Close the taps tightly after use.

3> Don’t let the taps run when you are making the lather while shaving.

4> Don’t flush after each time you pee, you can use 3-4 mugs of water to clean the toilet.
5> While brushing your teeth, close the tap.
Note: You can save up to 5 gallons (19 liters) everyday by turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth.

6>Take a five minute shower instead of a bath. Amount saved: 15 gallons per shower

7>Don't use toilets as a wastebasket, flush only when you need to. Amount saved:12 or more gallons per day

Will update more on other ways of conservation. Till then good bye and be happy to save your EARTH :)

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Lets Talk Eco-Friendly - Start Using Green Phones

Written By Founder / Moderator Yo Eco Group
Tuhin Mallik 
writeus at :
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When our dear Founder Member Ayan Mukherjee quoted "Charity begins at home", followed by the post of Akash Singh, it strikes in mind to share some relevant concepts regarding our Mobile phones which is our most useful daily gadget.

Now in India there are more than 500 million users of Mobile Phones and it will grow to 993 millions by 2014 (Source: This huge customer is beneficial for the telemarketers but as the proud habitat of this Planet we need to know about the facts that what is happening with this increase in numbers. Here we are going to discuss some relevant points which a mobile user should know.

With the invention of new technologies every year Tele manufacturing industries are introducing their new enhanced products. Obviously those are user-friendly and helpful to making our life easier. But when we are accepting the new we are throwing the old one and that is how we are polluting our environment. Mate
rials of cellphones to its battery every part is responsible for polluting our Earth when we dispose them casually without knowing its proper disposal methods. Such disposal is causing contamination of poisonous materials such as Copper, Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Arsenic and Beryllium (a carcinogen linked to cancer) etc.

We are not suggesting to stop using mobile phones. Its impossible. Our objective is to Let you Talk Eco-friendly.

Use Eco Phone
What features a Eco Phone should have
1. Used material need to biodegradable or recyclable.
2. Should come with less lighting or Led Light Feature.
3. Might have solar power chargers for batteries.
Ultimately all these to cut the strain on the environment.

Samsung Blue Earth

 Green Features:
  • Alternative Built in solar panel to charge the phone.
  • Moulded with recycled plastic material like water bottles.
  • Free of harmful materials like polyvinyl chloride.
  • Adjustable display setting to minimize battery consumption.
  • Phone comes in a box made up of recycled card board.
  • Part of the box is reusable as picture frame or pencil holder.
Ecofriendly Box

Samsung F268
 Green Features:
  • Free of brominated flame retardant and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
  • Used natural-dissolved bio-plastic made from corn starch for the battery cover and other parts.
  • Full charge alarm to save enrgy.

Sony Ericson Naite

Green Features:
  • Built in e-manual for save paper initiative.
  • It is bulit of 50% recycle plastic.
  • Low power charger and optimized display reduce carbon footprint by 50%.
  • Eco mate applications for greener choice.

Before you go for one of the above Eco Phone. Wisely dispose your old one if it need to be. Dont throw it away, rather donate it or sell it for reuse.